Friday, 15 October 2021

Friesian Foal Friday

 I couldn't decide whether to do Friesian Friday or Foal Friday, but then I realized I could do both thanks to this little man.

He will be two weeks old tomorrow, and is a teeny weeny little thing who's going to grow to about 17 hands judging by the size of his parents. His dam is the first horse I've ever had to give more than one full tube of dewormer - she weighs 680kg (1500lb). She's a maiden too, and she's being an amazing mom, careful of her baby but letting me give him as much love as I want.

Baby himself is also SUPER curious and friendly. We've had to restrain him every day for the last while to wash his foal heat diarrhea off his little butt, so I've also made sure to go visit him regularly with no expectations.

He loves to come over and get scratches and snuffle all over me with his little velvet nose and his lil gummy mouth.

And he still has his baby blues ๐Ÿ˜

I also give him 15/10 for milky foal kisses.

Dropping this photo here so that I can follow it up, in three years, with a pic of me sitting on his enormous handsome muscly self.

This is his daddy, the big guy. He's amazing and so sweet to handle - I have absolutely no fear of him, even grooming him at shows with no anxiety at all. He's home for the breeding season so I get to keep him in work with some lungeing.

And this is our super cute pure Friesian hony, who is looking for a dressage kiddo to love.

It's been a lovely week at the Friesian farm. If you're looking for me, I'll be playing with the little guy!

God is good ๐Ÿ’œ 


  1. Replies
    1. So cute!! And we have five more on the way, including BabyDragon ๐Ÿ˜


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